Strategic Leadership's Solutions Portfolio gateway

At Strategic Leadership our solutions, anchored in the concept of The Leadership Cube, empower leaders to attain unparalleled levels of self-awareness, strategic acumen, and authentic leadership. The core of our methodology lies in The Inner Compass, intricately woven into the foundation of The Leadership Cube. Explore our 'off the shelf products' related to each cube side here:


How to Lead People we Find Challenging-image

How to Lead People we Find Challenging

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You Know Those People
...We never quite connect with

Imagine the time and emotional energy saved if you didn't have those frictions or pointless arguments that often happen with some colleagues, imagine if you could change that person to encourage them to see things differently. This line of thinking sadly is fundamentally flawed and importantly bad for business, it is a seductive lie that promises the impossible - that we can change or control people. This talk establishes two facts at the outset:

1. You CANNOT change or control people

2. You DO NOT want people to think like you

I'll explain why the people you find challenging are those in your team you have the shallowest relationship with and what you can do about it to build a productive working relationship. It is possible!

Main Cube Side: LEADER
Competency: Developing leaders
By Category: Keynote
By Need: Developing leaders & communication
Contact us here to talk more about how this could work for your people here