An integrated approach to communication excellence…

Corporate communication is all too often dominated by slides and uninspiring messages. Whether you aim to convince customers, investors, or employees, being authentic and – at the same time – engaging is key for personal and professional success. Mastering High Impact Communication helps participants communicate as their authentic self in a way that engages and inspires their audiences. This enables them to communicate important corporate messages related to vision, strategy and business performance – all in a more impactful manner than before. You become the message!


"Everyday I need to make myself heard – no matter which senior colleagues I need to convince. After Mastering High Impact Communications, I know how to create the right emotional impact to reach different audiences" - Legal Services, BMW Group
"My team and I closed one of our biggest contracts after we attended Mastering High Impact Communications together and as a result completely changed the way we do our sales pitches" - Senior Vice President, Banking Industry
"Mastering High Impact Communication strongly energised me! The programme helped me a lot to overcome my inner barriers and to significantly develop more impactful communications" - Susanne Franzke, Roche Diagnostics


Mastering High Impact Communication is designed for professionals who already present regularly and want to take their impact to the next level. Typically, participants are senior managers, middle managers or subject matter experts and project leaders.


  • A two-day intensive, immersive programme with accelerated coaching techniques Extensive video analysis tracks each delegate’s development throughout the programme, identifying areas of improvement
  • Direct and challenging feedback from coaches with global experience
  • Two trainers provide individual focus and personalised coaching to small groups of 8 - 12
  • Individual remote coaching sessions take place after the training where participants are coached on real-life application of learning



We have one event left for 2024 planned. Register by clicking on the geyser button below for the event and filling out the form on that page.

We also offer this programme in-house, contact us if you would like to talk about that. If you would like to be automatically informed about new dates, please subscribe to updates about upcoming events:

26-27 SEP 2024