What is The Inner Compass?
The Inner Compass® represents an experiential path towards self-discovery and an enhanced sense of intuition (connection with inner self). By positioning this experience in the context of leadership, the journey along that path becomes one of personal as well as leadership development. This path leads to a solid platform on which to build truly authentic leadership.
Often team cultures are set up in a way that members feel they cannot risk making mistakes. This approach can make people nervous, even afraid to act with courage. When teams members feel afraid, they over invest in core assignments to avoid making mistakes. This creates hidden culture, where people double check everything. If this happens, then there is less time, energy and focus for anything that falls outside of core activity. Typically co-operation and problem solving with other departments then suffer. Over time this results in silo mentality, leading to less cross-departmental collaboration, less innovation and fewer creative solutions.
This is a pretty secure path towards stagnation, leading to a meaningful loss of competitive edge in business.
If this resonates for you, then your work culture may be a bit too fearful. This is just one example of how cultures can be dysfunctions and these dysfunctions are almost always connected to ego based leadership methods that are subconsciously operating.
- Understand yourself as a leader
- Go beyond ego in your leadership
- Reduce silo mentality
- Increase cross-departmental collaboration
- Increase innovation and creativity
- Elevate your competitive edge in business
- Create a transparent feedback culture
- Be able to sell employees on change
- Delegate fearlessly
- Budget bravely
- Transform your team culture
We believe leaders can‘t be effective without a deep understanding of themselves and the effect they have on others. In order to change and progress, leaders need to be willing to look within themselves and question many of the values that their historical approaches were built upon. This is essential because the paradigm of business leadership brings concepts such as mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness and humility into the workplace – in other words a more conscious approach to leadership.
The Inner Compass model looks at how you show up in the world, both in and out of the workplace. It takes the leader on a journey of deep personal growth. But this is not just a personal development ‘nice to do’. Doing the inner work, means leaders transform not only themselves but also those around them in the process. Teams become more aligned, more open and more effective! The compass teaching is directly relevant to today’s management situations and demands.
Are you willing to be this kind of leader – for yourself and your team?
The Inner Compass Retreats are led by Thor Olafsson. With 20 years’ experience as a global leadership coach, master trainer and bestselling author of Beyond Ego – The Inner Compass of Conscious Leadership leaders will receive expert guidance during the retreat experience.
We have a purpose built venue located on Iceland’s south coast offering modern meeting facilities, breakout areas, a cosy fireplace nook, a kitchen and a private outdoor area that we use to deliver Inner Compass Leadership Retreats.
The retreat venue is called Eirð (Pron: Aerth) - which is an old Icelandic word that stands for inner peace and tranquillity. This fits in with the Inner Compass philosophy. At Eirð we support both individual managers and teams in developing a conscious approach to leadership, resulting in deep and lasting personal connections and sustainable business strategies.