This webinar takes an in-depth look at the topic of coaching and answers your most challenging coaching questions.
Unfortunately the use of the word coaching in inappropriate circumstances combined with generally poor understanding of what ‘good coaching’ actually looks like has meant that despite coaching being very much a part of the normal business landscape we still have some distance to go in educating both leaders, and organisations, on this topic.
Coaching is potentially the most powerful tool in the HR toolkit to develop people however it can often be received wrongly (consider hearing “you need coaching”) and is often set up to fail in it’s structure. Whereas similar industries such as counselling or psychotherapy are regulated and require formal qualifications, coaching does not. The consequences of this is that there is huge variability in quality across the coaching sector and an equally huge variety of definitions, schools and approaches.
Our time will be split into two halves. The first looks at the coaching industry, what is available and what to look for. This will include discussion about the emerging areas of coaching and clarifying the truth behind certain buzzwords. In the second half we aim to bring some insights from behind the ‘closed doors’ of coaching. While some coaches have professional supervision many leaders and managers who try to coach find themselves quite isolated in their coaching practice; rarely to we get to ask a highly experienced professional coach their opinions on coaching situations and discuss different ways to handle those scenarios. Whilst maintaining confidentiality we will work our hardest to answer even the most challenging questions from the audience.
• Describe what ‘buyers’ of coaching should look for and how to evaluate the different coaching propositions
• Evaluate new coaching approaches vs traditional schools of thinking
• Helping you identify what is most important to you when sourcing coaching
• A coaching clinic led by one of our most experienced and highly qualified coaches
• Whatever you want to know we will answer from the perspective of both a provider of coaching services AND as a professional coach
• Ideas for your coaching challenges – how would our professional coach approach your most difficult coaching scenarios/questions
Chris Atkinson
Chris designed a 3-year leadership programme to help a premium German automotive company in the UK develop more creative and adaptable leaders. Against the backdrop of Brexit (a perfect example of the VUCA world), the automotive industry in the UK has been in crisis. As a result of our approach the UK manufacturing plants are now amongst the best in the World. Chris has spoken at the United Nations in Geneva on the topic of “Leadership During the 4th Industrial Revolution”, he is also the acclaimed author of “Corporate Energy: How to Engage and Inspire Audiences”.
Kate Peacock
Kate is a business professional with a track record of building relationships at all levels and establishing needs to meet business solutions. Outstanding influencing and listening skills combined with a creative flair have led to proven results with both customers and suppliers (UK and overseas) through identifying opportunities and turning them to commercial advantage. Experience in manufacturing, retail, finance, government, creative media, and housing, working to meet fast moving targets in both the public and private sectors. See her profile
- A quality well structured, online presentation with best practice sessions
- Ideas and tips from a highly experienced executive coach in our coaching clinic
- Open discussions with other people in a similar situations
- Proven exercises to take away and apply with your team(s)
This event is aimed at business managers, leaders and HR professionals. It’s focus is on coaching.