Chris Atkinson

Chris Atkinson

Managing Director - UK

Chris is a highly sought after international trainer specialising in engagement, organisational culture and inspiring leadership. He has a background in psychology, organisational psychology and counselling skills. Chris has worked in training and development since 2001 and is well known for his dynamic and passionate communication style.

In 2016, he published his first book, Corporate Energy: How to Engage and Inspire Audiences. He is currently working on an update to that book to include effective communication in the online world to reflect the profound changes we have experienced recently in the world of work.

Chris is an engaging motivational speaker and in 2019, he spoke at the United Nations in Geneva on the topic of “Moral Leadership During the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

Chris has been featured on the front covers of international publications such as; Realizing Leadership Magazine and Switched On Leadership Magazine. Chris is a regular  columnist for Business Leader Magazine. He is also a visiting fellow at the business school of the University of South Wales.

See Chris’s Profile

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