COVID 19 – A Conscious Leadership Approach in Times of Crisis - In no time at all, the Coronavirus has gone from a minor concern to those in the West, to a serious game changer. Its impact on global health systems, economy and private lives is significant. It threatens...
Just over 20 years ago I was sat in my office talking to a consultant who was helping me with my first real management job. Midst in our conversation, a coworker of mine entered the office to provide me with information she though was of importance. We exchanged a...
What is self-awareness and why should leaders care? “The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, and to use yourself completely – all your gifts, skills and energies – to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must in sum, become the...
The Heart of Leadership - At the heart of leadership there is always a person. Someone like you, committed to serving others as a leader: truthful, courageous, purpose driven, humble, strong, fair and compassionate. Someone, who realises that leadership is not about money or status, but rather about positive influence...
My manager truly cared about me as a person more than he did about me as an employee. Something I saw in him and in some of the managers I had afterwards was that they really put people first.
Don’t send your employees on training programmes Coming from a trainer and a coach who has delivered training programmes for the last 17 years, this headline is a strange statement. You could even say it lacks credibility as my colleagues and I have been and plan to continue delivering training...