Going Digital with Leadership Development Programmes - Leadership development programmes have a time-honoured format and style that can be hard to replicate online but in the new world of work we are forced to try. This is an opportunity to be innovative whilst remaining effective. Here are some top...
The statistics about workplace violence are alarming: Nearly two million Americans are victims of workplace violence each year — yet a quarter of violent incidents at work go unreported, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Former Facebook HR Exec Says Many Bosses Too Uncomfortable To Ask Hugely Important Question - When she works with employees itching to take the next step in their careers, Sarah Wagener likes to ask a simple question: "Do you believe you've mastered your current role?"Typically, the answer is no.
- The training market has seen a steady, continued growth in the area of team building. More and more companies are committing their three most precious assets - time, money and resources to these events. Why then, in these challenging times with so many cuts being made, are we...
From an instructor’s perspective, I find the Celebration Grid by far the most fascinating tool in the toolkit. I first learnt about celebration grids as they came up during a keynote that Jurgen Appelo gave at the Mile High Agile convention in Denver, Colorado in 2016. In his talk, Appelo explained how he created the...
Don’t send your employees on training programmes Coming from a trainer and a coach who has delivered training programmes for the last 17 years, this headline is a strange statement. You could even say it lacks credibility as my colleagues and I have been and plan to continue delivering training...