Identify Future Leaders by Potential, Not Biases - For too long, leadership development and succession have fallen under the responsibility of a select few who have based their decisions on a narrow set of criteria. The limitations of this type of succession planning process have resulted, for many organisations,...
Five Strategies Every Leader Must Embrace to Harness Disruption -
Great Leaders & Organisations Advance a Just Cause
Jack Ma's Leadership Approach by Chris Atkinson - At his retirement party, Jack Ma stepped onstage to celebrate Alibaba’s 20th anniversary looking every inch the rock star complete with a leather jacket, shades, guitar, and jewellery. He sang and spoke to an emotional crowd in Hangzhou, China. It's fair to...
The 7 Most Common Ways Leaders Unknowingly Sabotage Their Team - Sometimes leaders call me saying they want help to fix their team. That’s always a red flag for me.A CEO of a west coast food company called me a while back. He said his team lacked accountability and...
The Big Lies of Strategy by Roger L. Martin - You don’t need a 100-page strategic plan. Strategy is actually about making five specific choices. - THOSE WHO KNOW ME WELL know that I have a love/hate relationship with all things strategic. On the one hand, I hate ‘strategic planning’...
We loved this Fast Company article because it is interesting to look at the perception difference between children and adults. When adults are asked to draw a leader, they draw a man. But what about kids?