I know as much about change, turbulence and failure as I do about success. I did not start my career aspiring to run a steel company, nor did I plan to be a rather relentless breaker of barriers in business and in the community at large. What I have...
What is self-awareness and why should leaders care? “The point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, and to use yourself completely – all your gifts, skills and energies – to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must in sum, become the...
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Profiles of today’s CFO show how the role is evolving and raise important questions for boards about talent and leadership development.
The Heart of Leadership - At the heart of leadership there is always a person. Someone like you, committed to serving others as a leader: truthful, courageous, purpose driven, humble, strong, fair and compassionate. Someone, who realises that leadership is not about money or status, but rather about positive influence...
My manager truly cared about me as a person more than he did about me as an employee. Something I saw in him and in some of the managers I had afterwards was that they really put people first.
So much communication from leaders fails completely to achieve its objective. We explore what causes this failure and how to really engage our people with great communication.
Why bother with a vision? Sadly most company visions don’t inspire teams, leaders need to do better with vision to really engage their people. Learn why it is so important then transform your leadership by using vision techniques.
September saw the 23rd annual World of Learning Conference and Exhibition in Birmingham, UK. Elysian’s own Chris Atkinson spoke here with passion, delivering a talk on his favourite topic, motivating people – beyond money. In case you didn’t have to opportunity to make it to World of Learning, we filmed...