When it comes to motivation, there isn’t a single lever you can pull that works for everyone. Motivation is unique and dynamic within each person. Additionally, things we consider strong motivators (like money) may not work as well as we think.
The pivot to learning online: how have trainers met the challenge? - Since the pandemic struck, trainers and facilitators and their clients have all been working out how to continue to deliver high-quality, engaging learning activities. It’s not always been easy, nor does it feel natural but online learning...
How Diversity Makes Teams More Innovative Are diverse companies really more innovative? Rocío Lorenzo and her team surveyed 171 companies to find out - and the answer was a clear yes. In a talk that will help you build a better, more robust company, Lorenzo dives into the data and...
I don’t know many senior HR professionals who don’t want to be part of the top team and have influence on business focus, goals and budget. yet, when I speak with CEOs, they invariably do not appreciate the value of Strategic HR, until I show them. Why? Because they...
Meritocracy has become a leading social ideal.The most common metaphor is the ‘even playing field’ upon which players can rise to the position that fits their merit. Under meritocracy, wealth and advantage are merit’s rightful compensation, not the fortuitous windfall of external events.Although widely held, the belief that merit...
The statistics about workplace violence are alarming: Nearly two million Americans are victims of workplace violence each year — yet a quarter of violent incidents at work go unreported, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Do You Think HR is Effective? - Dave Ulrich stresses the importance of relationships over roles in his assessment of how HR deals with its own internal challenges. HR for HR means that HR professionals apply to their own function the knowledge and tools they apply to their organisations. This...
A Crucial Role for Human Resources - How HR leaders can play a vital part in providing a compelling environment for tomorrow’s workforce.
In 1997, Netscape was the browser of choice; Motorola StarTAC dominated cell phone popularity; the Apple PowerBook led in innovative laptops; cordless home phones emerged; Sony PlayStation with a 128k memory card was state of the art; Windows 95 was released. And I published the book Human Resource Champions,...
HR has a connection to every department and goes beyond the administrative call of duty, embracing a relationship with each person in an organisation. It is that very connection and understanding that affords HR professionals the ability to become more engaged with the business. The majority of CEOs...