The urgent need for sophisticated leadership - The pandemic has highlighted a series of paradoxes inherent to the work of leaders. What comes next will depend on how well they face up to them.
Bring Unity and Calm to Your Team - Life got messy in 2020. It’s not just the virus. It’s the way the virus has changed everything we once took for granted—from the way we work to the way we get to work. Or don’t get to work, as the case may be. Although forecasts and timelines...
Going Digital with Leadership Development Programmes - Leadership development programmes have a time-honoured format and style that can be hard to replicate online but in the new world of work we are forced to try. This is an opportunity to be innovative whilst remaining effective. Here are some top...
Is coronavirus the ultimate test in ethical leadership for HR?
Whether it’s furlough or free healthcare, companies’ actions during the coronavirus have come under greater scrutiny than ever. Will the organisations that followed a moral compass emerge the strongest? Jo Faragher investigates.
Crisis Management: The Overlooked Leadership Skill | Here are five ways to rise up to the challenge of leading the troops while things are falling apart. No one thinks much about a certain leadership quality — until the you-know-what hits the fan. The quality I’m referring to is crisis management. Thankfully,...
Mindset - The psychological challenge of business growth - When a business changes faster than employees’ thinking there is a problem! Individuals’ assumptions, priorities and expectations become obsolete - mindset becomes a big obstacle to change and growth. Employees continue do a great job, but in some respects its yesterday’s...
Jack Ma's Leadership Approach by Chris Atkinson - At his retirement party, Jack Ma stepped onstage to celebrate Alibaba’s 20th anniversary looking every inch the rock star complete with a leather jacket, shades, guitar, and jewellery. He sang and spoke to an emotional crowd in Hangzhou, China. It's fair to...
Recently, one of the team members at the John Maxwell Company shared an interesting struggle in his life: he’s forgotten how to rest. Some of the team was gathered for lunch and he volunteered his thoughts as everyone was talking.
Everybody loves a good top 100 list. It could be the best cities to live in, the top restaurants, or in this case, the highest rated CEOs in America. I love Glassdoor's annual list of the Top CEOs because it's based on how employees of major corporations feel about their culture...
Our mission to develop conscious and strategic leaders is fuelled by our belief that success during the 4th industrial revolution will require a large shift in the levels of consciousness of leaders across the world. We were delighted when our UK Managing Director, Chris Atkinson was invited to the...