Attributes of Outstanding Executives in a Crisis - Companies that employ great leaders tend to see positive results even in tough times. Now, more than ever, great leaders are a critical facet of keeping companies afloat through turmoil. But what is it that makes a leader great in a crisis?
Crisis Management: The Overlooked Leadership Skill | Here are five ways to rise up to the challenge of leading the troops while things are falling apart. No one thinks much about a certain leadership quality — until the you-know-what hits the fan. The quality I’m referring to is crisis management. Thankfully,...
The 7 Most Common Ways Leaders Unknowingly Sabotage Their Team - Sometimes leaders call me saying they want help to fix their team. That’s always a red flag for me.A CEO of a west coast food company called me a while back. He said his team lacked accountability and...
Unpopular Advice For CEOs Leading Change: Slow Down - Another day, another change. Such is a day in the life of every CEO and senior executive I encounter. Consider one client, a senior vice president of sales at a global payments company experiencing her second company restructuring in...
Turnaround Strategies For Dysfunctional Teams - Incoming executives may inherit less-than-effective leadership teams when they take over. Three common dysfunctions include collective delegation upward in an attempt to avoid accountability, low collective energy, and organisation silos. Some turnaround strategies for new executives to deal with dysfunctional teams and boost...
How Your Brain Handles Conflict - Many of us have been socialised or learned as adults that conflict is “bad” and in order to succeed, we should appear optimistic and positive at all times. Yet while this avoidance of conflict leads to superficial harmony, it denies what is really...