Fighting The Groupthink That Happens When We Work Virtually Groupthink is more common when all communication is happening digitally. Here’s how to promote thinking creatively instead. Most of us are well aware that groupthink—the phenomenon in which decision-making is ruled by the ease of conformity—is bad for business. When our workplace...
Bring Unity and Calm to Your Team - Life got messy in 2020. It’s not just the virus. It’s the way the virus has changed everything we once took for granted—from the way we work to the way we get to work. Or don’t get to work, as the case may be. Although forecasts and timelines...
Going Digital with Leadership Development Programmes - Leadership development programmes have a time-honoured format and style that can be hard to replicate online but in the new world of work we are forced to try. This is an opportunity to be innovative whilst remaining effective. Here are some top...
How to Lead Remote Teams by Mike Desjardins The very first thing you need to know is, don’t panic: leading remote teams isn’t as difficult as you might think – here are just some things you need to keep in mind. ViRTUS has run virtually, with remote team members...