This is what separates high-performing teams from all the rest, says Stanford psychology expert - What does a highly successful team look like? You might imagine a bunch of extroverted rock stars with stellar resumes — all born with the natural gift of being indistractable. But who is on a team matters...
A Framework for Setting your Business up for Success in a Volatile World - In a difficult environment, leaders need to resist the impulse to adopt a defensive pose. They must instead take actions that will position their organization for success. Uncertainty is like the weather. It’s always there, part...
This is the precise number of people to put on a team to maximise productivity - Tech exec and entrepreneur Mona Sabet explains the exact size of a group that can build and maintain empathy and shared purpose to bring out maximum performance. In 2012, I founded Hipower, a nonprofit...
Google Released Research On What Makes a Good Boss – Do you agree? Some say the best kind of boss is one who leaves you alone – and new research released by Google shows that it’s kind of true. For over a decade, researchers at the tech giant have...
Everybody loves a good top 100 list. It could be the best cities to live in, the top restaurants, or in this case, the highest rated CEOs in America. I love Glassdoor's annual list of the Top CEOs because it's based on how employees of major corporations feel about their culture...
How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader Great companies are built by great leaders. (That’s why the ability to identify and attract talented people is almost as critical as the ability to develop talented people.) But since leadership is more art than science,...
The Big Lies of Strategy by Roger L. Martin - You don’t need a 100-page strategic plan. Strategy is actually about making five specific choices. - THOSE WHO KNOW ME WELL know that I have a love/hate relationship with all things strategic. On the one hand, I hate ‘strategic planning’...
The Compound Effect: Jump start Your Income, Your Life, Your Success by Darren Hardy is, not only a New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller, it is a straight-talking practical guide to setting clear goals and doing the “stuff” that needs to get done in order to...
Elon Musk Work Ethic: 10 Secrets for Insane Success: Now, Elon Musk is a smarter than average individual with an enormous ambition and drive. But I think that us–mere mortals–can incorporate some of his productivity secrets into our daily lives. Here are the top 10 productivity secrets of Elon Musk work...